What I Do

work I’ve done in the last few years

  • Helping individuals, couples and families
  • Supervising counsellors in private practice
  • Consultancy and training for a voluntary sector mental health community
  • Consultancy for a specialist housing agency
  • Coaching a senior manager in an international accountancy company
  • Coaching for a managing director of a transport consultancy
  • Course Tutor for ‘Diploma in Supervision’
  • Skills and Continuity Tutor for ‘Advanced Diploma Counselling for Children and Families’
  • Teacher on ‘Diploma in Counselling’ Course
  • Course Tutor ‘Diploma and Certificate in Groupwork’
  • Supervision for a training organisation
  • Training managers at FTSE 100 financial services company
  • CPD workshop “Working in the Here and Now” for Sussex Counselling

CPD workshops include:

  • Personality Adaptations
  • Facilitation Skills
  • Contact and Immediacy
  • Working with Couples
  • Understanding DSMIV-R
  • I Won’t And You Can’t Make Me
  • Groupwork
  • Contracts and Consent
  • Advanced Counselling Skills
  • Building Successful Teams

The things that will destroy us are:
politics without principle;
pleasure without conscience;
wealth without work;
knowledge without character;
business without morality;
science without humanity;
and worship without sacrifice.
